We are sailing Uncharted Seas here (water game, well, you know). There are geographic challenges in Wisconsin such that there are probably too many teams for a single Western Wi District and not, at the moment, quite enough for two such events. I’m just looking at building infrastructure, of the human sort, for either option. Specifically my initial post was along the lines of “what volunteer roles should our people be considering this season to get ready for next?”
But there are a lot of imponderables. We are adjacent to Minnesota. Will Minnesota volunteers come over into Cheeseland if their teams no longer can? How many Districts will WI have in '26 (and going forward) and is there a pool of volunteers in the state sufficient for this?
This all ties into complicated issues such as starting/sustaining teams in rural areas. You need more teams to make Districts fly. So expand events to anticipate this. You might struggle to fill some new events early on, so don’t expand…and create an unfair situation where some teams have to travel/stay in hotels for two events while other (often better funded teams to boot) have two “home games”.
This is a bit of inside baseball stuff, but bottom line is that Districts are coming, and as one of the (relatively, we are still small townies) better funded/organized teams over this way we need to step up next year.