Register for California Robot Games 2004 Now!

I would like to officially announce Cal Games will be back at Woodside High School on October 2nd. So take out your calendar and mark it down!

When: October 2nd.

Where: Woodside High School, 199 Churchill Avenue, Woodside, CA 94062.

What: The 5th Annual WRRF California Robot Games including the Full
2004 FIRST Frenzy Tournament, plus the Driver Obstacle Course, SJCC
Robotics boot camp tournament and Robotics related booth and demos.

Cost: Free to spectators, 300 dollars per participating team

How many teams: Cal Games 2004 is open for 28 teams to register.

October 1st (Friday) will be open for teams to set up their pit area,
and get their robot inspected early that night. Take advantage of
this time to set up your tools, and get your robot working. The pit will
be opened at 7am on Saturday for registration and inspection.

The registration page for California Robot Games 2004 is now up and ready for teams to register for the event. The url for all Cal Games info in the WRRF website @ . Volunteer info, awards for the event, and Cal Games announcements will be posted there in the future as we get close and closer to the event.

For all the participating teams, please fill in all the information because it will make it easier for us to contact your team about your registration and entry fee. Once you complete the registration form, you will receive an automatically e-mail about where to send the check.

If you have any immediate questions about Cal Games please e-mail me at [email protected] (which direct any e-mails to my current mailbox).

Thank you for the patience. Let the games begin!

-Ken Leung
Cal Games Manager