We may or may not have the 5000 in time for the deadline. So my question is if it is allowable to register any later or is it a cut off? I know team will get registered for their additional events that day so is it a deadline to have preference over those teams, or is it a “if you don’t pay by this day you are out” deadline?
Speak with your regional director as soon as you can if you haven’t already, and fully explain your situation and ability to partially/fully pay. They will be able to help you navigate a last minute/slightly late payment, and potentially seek out additional sources of funding.
If you haven’t already registered for an event, do so immediately to secure a place. TIMS will not allow you to register after tomorrow.
Email both your regional/district director and first HQ - I’ve been in your situation before and they’re usually a little flexible and understanding, but communication with them is key.
This thread from last year covers the similar issue that my team had securing funding. There are a lot of helpful tips to ensuring funding in it, without most of which my team would no longer exist today.
I would like to third the motion that your first step should be to email both FIRST HQ and your Regional Director to request an extension to make this easier.
IMPORTANT FRC NOTE: If you know of any teams that may not be able to register by the deadline (11/24), all hope is not lost! Please have them email [email protected] and they will be assisted on an individual basis.
This is straight from something posted for FIRST VISTA’s in regards to today’s deadline. Email your Regional Director and FIRST at [email protected]! If they do not know before the end of today they may not be able to work with your team to ensure you can participate this season.