Our regulator from our pneumatics board is controlling the psi limit for both the working pressure gauge AND the stored pressure gauge. If we make the regulator stop the working pressure gauge at 60 psi, the stored pressure gauge does this too when it should be able to go all the way to 120 psi. Is this supposed to happen? We thought the regulator was only supposed to control the working pressure gauge. Does anyone know how to fix this or what we did wrong? (All our pneumatics parts are from the FRC kit of parts and on the Pneumatics manual for FRC)
Regulators had a direction. Hook it up backwards, you can see this behavior. Normally there is an arrow on the regulator showing the direction of flow.
The labeling on the regulator is really confusing until you understand it; I think it was developed by a lizard man. Most regulators have four outputs, located 90 degrees apart from each other. ONE of them has an arrow pointing towards it. That one isn’t special at all. The one 180 degrees away from the one with the arrow is the input, all three of the others are outputs. If your “high pressure supply” is on any of the ports other than the one from which the arrow seems to be pointing, you could get behavior much like what you’re describing.
My team has done something similar; last year, in fact. I took one look for that arrow that @GeeTwo referenced, and commented on the team Slack, something to the effect of “[Student], you need to re-route the regulator inlet and outlet”.
And then I ran into a rookie team at a regional who did the exact same thing.
Yeah. 99% chance that following the directions from GeeTwo fixes the issue. The 1% is some weird issue nobody’s seen before…