Hi everyone :-).
One of my biggest thoughts about this website is how fast this forum growing from season to season. Things never quite remain the same; new faces show up all the time. Every once in a while, old timers like me long for the good old days when things are smaller and quieter. Maybe of us resist the changes, others felt silent and became spectators. In the end, what I learned is its best to adapt to the ever-changing environment and make the most out of the experience.
That doesn’t mean I can’t try to make things better.
In an attempt to close the gap between old time Chief Delphi Forum posters and rookie members, I’ve decided to revive my experiment from last year: "Remember that thread?”
Every week I will spotlight a thread from the archive forums of the 99, 00, 01 seasons. I will choose threads based on how well it showcases the philosophy at the time and by the merit of the discussion. They may not tell you the whole story, by at least they will allow you a glimpse into the past.
I hope from the bottom of my heart that new members will appreciate the sort of CD posters we once were, and old-timers like me will see how much we’ve evolved since the beginning of time(well, the beginning of CD forum as far back as we can trace it).
Looking at the bigger picture, I hope to preserve what once was good and leave it to the future generations as treasures from the past.