Reminder...This Tuesday

Hello All,

I would just like to remind everyone that BattleBots Season 3.0 starts this Tuesday at 10pm on Comedy Central. So what you say?? Well…this season will feature a former FIRST team, some of you may know them, Plymouth North HS. Primarily famous in the FIRST world for starting the tradition of summer comps with “Rumble at the Rock.” I suspect that we will see the debut of Innovation FIRST @ Battlebots…and perhaps if we look hard enough Mr. Bastoni might be spoted as well. Thier robot is known as “reactor.” Information can be found @

I know I’ll be watching w/great interest.


The High Priest going with The Master for Super Heavyweight, Mauler for Heavyweight, Spaz (again) for middleweight, and the lightweight is going to be very unpredictable, but The High Priest is looking at that clampbot (cant remember the name) to be a top contender. Look for Vlad the Impaler to get upset early on, and perhaps another upset with Minion. Can Buddly Lee win another match? Smart money bets on YES.

Just some predictions.

"The High Priest going with The Master for Super Heavyweight, Mauler for Heavyweight, Spaz (again) for middleweight, and the lightweight is going to be very unpredictable, but The High Priest is looking at that clampbot (cant remember the name) to be a top contender. Look for Vlad the Impaler to get upset early on, and perhaps another upset with Minion. Can Buddly Lee win another match? Smart money bets on YES.

Just some predictions."

Well, I don’t think Spaz was in this competition, so he can’t win. I haven’t heard of any “The Master” in the Super Heavyweight class (although there are 6 robots unidentified on

I’ll say T-minus for middleweights. Vladiator for Super Heavyweight. Son of Whyachi for heavyweight (actually, I think he lost). And I don’t know about the lightweights.

I’ve found an incomplete list of what fights are happening when:

July 10th

Slam Job vs. Nightmare
Shish-ka-bot vs. Trilobot
Ogre vs. Minion
Turbo vs. Double Agent
Toro vs. World Peace

July 17th

Complete Control vs. Subject to Change without Reason
Dr. Inferno Jr. vs. Toe Crusher
Hexadecimator vs. Fork n’ Stein

July 24th

The Little Drummer Boy and Blade Runner
CUAD The Crusher vs. Techno Destructo

July 31st

F5 vs. Ankle Biter
BloodMoon vs. Mouser Super-Mecha Catbot
KillerHurtz vs. ???
Nasty Overbite -vs- B.O.B. (Basher of Bots)

The team thats in battle bots from miami and team 59 has ben using inovationfirst for a while. Also Frenzy uses IFI stuff too if you look closely during its last match against biohazard you can see the sticker in the kit that says powered by victor 433, and also when it gets flipped up you can see the blinking light of a spike hanging out of it. And buddy lee was upgraded, so of course its going to win.

You mean they added a weapon?!?!

-Ed “Wonders if it uses exploding Dalmations” McDonnell

I like the exploding dalmation idea. I will have to make sure I watch battlebots tonight.

thats what buddy lee looks like now, world peace is a very kool bot it uses hydraulic everything including the drive train which is wheeled.

*Originally posted by Andrew Rudolph *
**The team thats in battle bots from miami and team 59 has ben using inovationfirst for a while. Also Frenzy uses IFI stuff too if you look closely during its last match against biohazard you can see the sticker in the kit that says powered by victor 433, and also when it gets flipped up you can see the blinking light of a spike hanging out of it. And buddy lee was upgraded, so of course its going to win. **

To my surprise, Toro is still using IFI stuff, with what happened last year & all…best time to check is when theyre taking shots of the drivers.

Apparently you didn’t see the rumble.

And I missed it last night (fell asleep in the middle of the fifth inning during the Al-Star game). Can you tell me what happened?

Someone is signed up on the forum as Ogre but has not posted anything. Do any of you guys know if that is someone involved with the Battle Bot. I saw the driver the other night but didnot recognize him, he looked like a high schol or college student.
Carolyn who has only watched Battle bots once and thinks the money, time and everything else spent on them should be transfered to FIRST. (especially the arena!)

*Originally posted by Andrew Rudolph *

thats what buddy lee looks like now, world peace is a very kool bot it uses hydraulic everything including the drive train which is wheeled. **

everytime i saw buddy lee, he got blasted. it was great:D