Rendevouz Truss - No Load Version at 841 half field

On our half field, 841 is working on separating the central truss structure’s functions so that we have an obstacle for driving and shooting that is separate from the high-load hanging system. This enables us to dramatically reduce the amount of wood involved in building the shooting/driving obstacle.

On the flooring side, we are keeping steel bars for half of the rendevouz station, using a total of 3x 20ft of 3x1x0.120 steel, but are filling in with wood on the other side. We do not have additional floor protection in the design because our shop has concrete floors, so it is unnecessary. I don’t mind our barriers being ~1/8" taller than the real barrier.

I modified the lengths slightly so that they include the ~6" that’s on the baseplates in the real CAD, but are overall a hair undersized so that we force some margin into how a buddyclimb design fits on to the real field.

The Floor Obstacle:
3x 20ft 3x1 Steel
3x ~8ft 3x1 Wood (last year’s cargo bay, not in CAD)
~60ft Hook tape

Frame Material:
3x 0.25 plywood sheet, 4’x4’
16x 2x2x8’ lumber
12x 2x(2)x12’ lumber (we are ripping 4x 2x6x12’ to get this; you could probably use 2x1 off of just a pair of 2x6’s if you’re feeling extra budget-conscious)
1x additional scrap plywood, total ~5’x1’
4x Milk Crate (not in CAD)
200lbs Weight (50lb per corner)
~10ft Hook Tape (not in CAD)
Probably 100 or so screws (not in CAD)

This dropbox folder should have a cutsheet for the steel, fairly messy CAD (Solidworks 2018) & a laser-ready DXF of the upper corner plywood, formatted for manufacturing in 4x8.
I also have photos of how I’m using the milk crate to create the lower corner joints. The corner plates (not done yet) will get woodscrewed through the bottom of the milk crates and have velcro glued on the bottom to help the structure stay in place when robots hit it.


A bit more practice field ingenuity: use hairties for ball placement! Credit to @s-neff (I was just the tape guy.)


Update on the truss: I ended up capping off each pylon and leaving them alone, instead of using the full assembly.

The structure isn’t as rigid as I’d like it to be, and a robot driving into one corner would definitely rip it apart. Leaving off the crown meant we could knock over a pylon without a resulting Cascade of failures. Which worked out well, a pylon got knocked over.