Link points to a post that “doesnt exist”, not sure if it’s just me or it’s the link itself
You have to be invited into the mentor forum by someone already in it.
The thread in question exists in said forum so only those already in it can nominate others
I was wondering the same. I guess that explains it.
I’ve heard of the mentor forum but never had an invitation. (I really haven’t asked for one either. Guess I probably should. So if someone could help with that, thanks)
+1 on the mentor forum
Can I get an invite to the mentor thread?
Piling on, I would also appreciate an invite.
I also would like an invite to the CD mentor forum
I would like an invite as well… Difficult to know its value without seeing some aspect of it.
Last post in the Mentor Forum was September 27th I believe. It’s not a super active place.
Echoing that an invite for myself would be appreciated too; Tho perhaps we can make a separate thread for requests?
+1 for an invitation to the mentor’s forum
Just so everyone’s moderately clear on the invite process and similar:
Mentor Forum members invite new members. There’s some expectation that an inviter is familiar enough with an invitee to be able to say the invitee is good people.
I saw a note about the value of Mentor Forum; in response I say to think of it like your team’s mentors gathering offsite at the local watering hole to discuss stuff that maybe the students don’t need to be privvy to yet. If that has value to you, Mentor Forum is going to be a good place to be in.
Some of the folks requesting an invite, I’m familiar enough with to nominate. I’ll make sure to do that once I’m not on mobile, if someone doesn’t beat me to it.
If you are a student reading this thread and looking for an invite, nice try. We’ll see you after you graduate.
Interested in an invite as well
I would like an invite as well. Thanks.
Not sure if anyone I’m familiar with is in mentor forum but I would appreciate an invite.
Would appreciate an invite as well if possible.
IMHO it’s kinda the point though. I don’t believe the intent (or at least what it has evolved into) is to have convos between mentors that could take place in other public areas, rather to bring up situations or specific issues that a mentor is seeking guidance and wants other mentor input.
Our main goal with the MF nomination process is to ensure that only post-high school adults are added, so when anyone nominates someone, please verify that they aren’t still an active FIRST student team member.
Thank you, all.
If he’s not in here already, I vouch for him.
+1 to the requests.