While trying to include a new elevator object in our command based robot, we receive errors specifically with the requires tag. Any ideas?
Idea 1, post more information, preferably a link to an online location containing your code. There is not nearly enough information here to help.
I agree, there is not enough information to conclude what the problem is. However I can tell you a solution to a problem we had with the requires statement. Because CommandBase does not exist anymore for you to make instances of all your subsystems, you now have to use requires(Robot.subsystem_instance). If this does happen to be your problem also note that you have to import you commands and subsystems manually now.
Try putting the requires method inside the constructor of the command. If you don’t know what a constructor is: it’s a method that is called at the time of instantiation or whenever you say new command. To declare a constructor, after the class declaration type “public” and the class name then () and a set of {}
You must put it in the robot.java file if using command base
Ex. Elevator = new elevator
Then in the requires(robot.elevator)