Resize picture in signature

i want to resize my picture. The picture stored on my team’s web site is about 288 x 216 pixels. but on here, it is blown up! How do i fix this.

I see it at 288 x 216 pixels on here… Not seeing it blown up…

288 > 200

Same here. I’m guessing the webmaster cheated and resized it by html code, instead of actually resizing the picture. I can’t check the site right now to verify that though. Just my guess.

But, that does pose an interesting question. Is there a way to incorporate that feature to resize an externally linked pic in your sig into CD?? Or even, make them all a standard thumbnail size just like the attachments are initially shown before you click on them to see the full picture… Just another thought.

The problem with resizing via html is you still have to load the large image. It saves display space but not download time.

very true, but i had it resized and loaded at the display size. it could have been the fact that i was using a school computer…need i say more?

So, is it only resized at the display window, but not on either site? Could just be the display window. This all brings back memories of resizing my avatar so it would stop barking at me for being too big. But I’m off topic.

Anyway, I have to use school computers, and that has a lot of problems. For example: all zip files on the internet are blocked. Period. So, sometimes downloading can be a pain…