Hey folks,
I’m an alumni programmer trying to help my team out with a weird error. Essentially, a Resource Already Allocated error is being thrown on a declaration of a DigitalInput (limit switch). Normally, this means there’s a duplicated port number somewhere, but we’ve tried swapping ports, and we’ve looked through pretty much the entire codebase without finding duplicates. We’re pretty stuck. Here’s a github link:
And here’s the error:
ERROR 1 Could not instantiate robot edu.wpi.first.hal.DIOJNI! edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.RobotBase.runRobot(RobotBase.java:245)
ERROR 1 Unhandled exception instantiating robot edu.wpi.first.hal.DIOJNI edu.wpi.first.hal.util.UncleanStatusException: Code: -1029. HAL: Resource already allocated frc.robot.subsystems.HoodPosition.(HoodPosition.java:23)
Any help at all would be appreciated! I fully expect we’re missing something silly. Thanks!