Hi all!
Over the summer, I wanted to lead a series of training meetings for my team’s leadership. I wasn’t able to find one that fit my needs, so I’ve developed my own (borrowing some structure from 1678).
FORMAT: Each training module is 90 minutes long and divided into two 45min sections. Each section is designed to be interactive, with an attached activity.
When developing these, I had a few topics that I wanted to cover and a range of possible topics that my students could select from.
Module 01 - Responsibilities and Goal-Setting
Module 02 - Delegation and Time Management
Module 03 - Buy-in and Conflict Resolution
- Slide deck: [coming soon]
- Lesson plan: [coming soon]
I hope this is a helpful resource for teams to develop their own leadership training! I’ll bump this thread as I add more modules, and am happy to answer questions and share my thoughts.