I’m working on putting a list of resources for important learning stuff for a new team where I’m the only person with any FRC experience, and I’m sure I’m missing a lot, and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. so far I have:
- FrcDesign.org - A comprehensive learning guide and technical reference for FRC design using Onshape.
- 25 Years of Model Mania - a good resource for learning Solidworks by example
- FRC Java Koans v2.0 - An interactive, step-by-step course to teach Java to students engaged in the FIRST Robotics Competition.
- WPILib Documentation - The official documentation for WPILib, the library our code runs on.
- 2036’s Old Electrical Bible - A detailed, somewhat old guide on electrical
- Electrical Presentation Slides - Part 1
- Electrical Presentation Slides - Part 2
- Electrical Presentation Slides - Part 3