Resource list for a team with absolutely no experience

I’m working on putting a list of resources for important learning stuff for a new team where I’m the only person with any FRC experience, and I’m sure I’m missing a lot, and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. so far I have:




  • FRC Java Koans v2.0 - An interactive, step-by-step course to teach Java to students engaged in the FIRST Robotics Competition.
  • WPILib Documentation - The official documentation for WPILib, the library our code runs on.



i created this, its called the Lynk Library of Knowledge or LLK for short for our team that had no student experience besides me this past year


Amazing resource! I added it to the list

You could make this a Wiki for people to add resources instead of having to ping you all the time

Mostly I’m just using this to create a resource list on our internal discord, although if you want me to I can make a wiki

On the homepage of FRC Zero - HOME :: FRC Zero I keep a list of official and community resources as well. Its hard to find all of the FRC projects and tools out there.

Also broken down into different categories

Official Resources
Community Resources

If anyone has more projects they know of and want it added to the index please let me know. Descriptions are ideally given from the creators of the project/website where possible and I always like to ask permission first. People who have released projects through CD I will sometimes directly message asking as well.

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