Unfortunately, I’m several years removed from FIRST as I wrap up my senior year in college. My old high school team required resources and documents for team structure, organization, general FIRST knowledge, and anything else you feel could be beneficial.
I searched up some resource pages from 1678 and 254 regarding their team handbook as those are teams I remember, but I am reaching out to see if anyone has resource recommendations or some tips. With COVID and previous mentor/faculty turnover for a team that was rookies in 2015, they are relearning the lesson that the team learned during my time. As well as the mentors are relatively new to FIRST and not original mentors to the team when it started.
docs.wpilib.org is everything for controls software and alot of hardware
Rev and Cross The Road Electronics maintain all of the vendor docs for their motor controllers and hardware (Power Distribution, Pneumatics Control, Sensor Breakouts)
Many teams or groups of teams have published resources out there for guides. I captured many of the “Important Links” here as part of frczero which is an attempt to have more guides, link existing guides, etc. That is a newer project only started in February so while theres some stuff, certainly its not comprehensive.
FIRST has Team Management Resources that has a plethora of resources including mentoring guides. This seems like what you are kind of looking for!
If I find anything else I can think of I’ll be sure to add it!