My team is starting to get into swerve drive, we are likely going to be using a library for our programming (ex: yagsl). But I think it would greatly benefit us if we understood the engineering and programming behind swerve.
Are there any useful resources that can be shared on this ?
Bit old, but holds up very well from the programming side of things: Paper: 4 wheel independent drive & independent steering ("swerve")
also anything with code examples (not library usages but from scratch swerve) would be excellent
Introduction to Kinematics and The ChassisSpeeds Class, Differential Drive Kinematics, Differential Drive Odometry, Swerve Drive Kinematics, Swerve Drive Odometry, Mecanum Drive Kinematics, Mecanum...
Read through the intro page and the two swerve pages
I describe fundamentals here.
this is awesome thank you
A compilation that I made from mostly Ether CD posts before so many other good resources were available is here along with others’ responses.
I see the video #0 to Autonomous# has a box alluding to some calculations that you do not need to know if you use the swerve libraries that are commonly available and mentioned in your thread. Long ago I compiled some CD posts and presentations mostly by Ether and Baker and put together the attached document of those calculations because when I did it teams wrote their own code before it was available in libraries. The calculations involve all levels of high school math and I’m sure your teacher…
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