REV CNC Field Flat Packs

We have finally finished flat packing all the REV field elements into 4’x8’ sheets for cutting, and I wanted to release the flat packs for anyone else who might be cutting them. A full field requires 40 sheets of 1/2" OSB or plywood (I’d recommend OSB), 1 per Amp, 6 per Speaker, and 13 per stage. We packed 2 speakers together into 12 sheets, so anyone making a single speaker would need to re nest and might need 7 sheets. The Speaker and Amp are step files, the stage is 1 dxf file per sheet.

Happy building!

2024 Field (1.9 MB)

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@Patrick3357 I’m not sure if you saw, but there are flat-packs in the onshapes already set for 4x8’s for cutting.


Wow, How did we miss that?
Thanks Greg.

Looks like some parts have gotten moved around on the Stage/speaker tab.

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Haven’t made the parts yet but did rearrange them in Fusion 360.

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