Is it possible to connect a Modern Robotics Core Motor controller with a Rev Robotics control Hub? instead of adding a Rev Expansion Hub ?
I don’t believe this is possible. If you are looking to add a motor without using an expansion hub, you can use a SPARKmini motor controller.
You can do this in the electrical “this will physically work” sense. It won’t work in the sense that MR is deprecated in the SDK, and it won’t work in the sense that it is not FTC legal.
I won’t be using it in any competition, I just build robots at my home as a hobby in my spare time and I only got Modern robotics modules but they are a frustration to use .I m about to get a Rev Control hub and was wondering if it was ok to a 1 MR controller so I can have 6 motor ports. The problem I think will be in the controller version won’t work in the last update
Modern Robotics was removed in version 7.2 of the sdk… you can try pulling a version from before 7.2 and installing it, which should bring compatibility back. From there, they will just show up in the hardware map when plugged in over USB and you can use them as normal
Yes I know that MR can only work with a lower version from 7.2 as I got them. I will try it when I get the Rev control hub and see I guess better go to spark Mini .But can I connect two spark Mini to the control Hub?