REV More Board - How does this connect/interact with the RoboRio

My team needs more PWM ports than the 10 the RoboRIO provides. We’ve bought a REV Moreboard ( along with the required extension cable. We’re simply not sure how to interact with the board. For example, the more board contains 10 PWM ports – they are numbered 0 - 9. How does our code know to use PWM port 0 on the More board, and not PWM port 0 on the RoboRio? Also, is connecting the extension cable from the Moreboard to the roborio all we need to do in order to get the roborio to interact with the board? We’re having trouble finding any resources on the matter.

Take a look at the product page for a port map in the product images:

There is also a User’s Manual that explains all the board features in detail.

You don’t necessarily need to use the extension cable, the More Board can plug directly into the expansion port on the roboRIO. If you have another MXP board, then you can plug the extension cable into the pass-through port on the top of the More Board.

Thanks for pointing out the documentation – I still can’t seem to connect the dots from a programming perspective though; how do we reference a specific more board PWM port in our code? The docs don’t seem to cover that

Ports 10-19 are allocated for MXP.

It’s in the image I referenced previously:


For LabVIEW I believe there is a VI to access the MXP separately.

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So, looking at the diagram provided above, if I have a Sparks controller connected to the MXP on PWM port 0. My Java code (I’m using VSCode) would need to say something like:

int mxpPortZero = 10; // on the mxp, port 0 is should be referenced as port 10 … port 9 on the MXP should be referenced as port 19 (?)

Sparks sparksMotorControllerOnMXP = Sparks(mxpPortZero);

Should the MXP port 0 be referenced as port 10 in the code like this? (since PWM port 0 would reference port 0 on the roborio – not the MXP)? This is my specific question. We’re not using LabVIEW, and VSCode doesn’t appear to have a VI to access MXP separately

How, exactly, is it in the image? We have almost no experience working with this type of content, so could you explain how to access the ports in code, and which port corresponds to which numerical value in code?

When you intialize a PWM motor controller in your code, you supply the PWM port number in the constructor. The dedicated PWM ports on the roboRIO are numbered 0 - 9. The extra PWM ports on the MXP are labeled as such in the image I posted. Under C++/Java you will see the “PWMn” and the “n” is the port number. They range from 10 - 19.

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We are trying to use the more board for a sensor, written as an extension of the WPILib AnalogInput class. Do the same principles (PWM port = channel value) apply for this scenario as well as for the PWM motorcontrollers? If so, does the image you posted contain the same identification strings for each port as the physical more board?(i.e. If we have a sensor plugged into the physical “AIN1” slot on our more board, does that match up with the “AI1” position in the diagram?).

Additionally, in the user’s manual, there is a short paragraph on “using the screw terminals”. Could you explain what we are doing when we follow the instructions in that section of the manual? Thanks for your help!

The labels on the More Board are with respect to the MXP pinout, the middle table of the image. The WPI hardware layer for C++/Java shows how those ports are mapped to code. AIN1 on the MXP port will be Analog Port 5 in code.

The instructions are describing the process of inserting wires into the screw terminals that are part of the More Board. The table in that section shows the recommended wire size and strip length to be compatible with the screw terminals.

Which wire would go into the screw terminal corresponding with the MXP ports? What should the wire be connected to on the other end?

This depends on what you want to connect to it. Please elaborate on what sensor or electronics you would like to connect to the roboRIO MXP through the More Board.

We are trying to connect a Sharp IR Distance Sensor, product ID: GP2Y0A51

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