'Revolutions' Thread

So, who is ready for the last chapter in The Matrix? Just saw the TV commercial, and holy poo, this thing is going to kick-butt. If you missed the gun-play, it’s back. Only 2 months to go!

The best part about seeing the trailer was my friend’s brother saying “hey, it looks like riverdance!” and then agent smith (I think, it might have been Neo, can’t remember) saying “Tonight, we dance.”

Keep in mind, this was may 15th at about 1 in the morning after seeing the sneak preview for Reloaded :). We were kinda tired.

I can’t wait for the new matrix to come out. Its going to have to be real good to make up for the second one (which was just basically pulling together the first and last). Although, i still thought the second one was very good. Speaking of the final movie in the trilogy, LOTR’s return of the king will be out soon too… its going to be a great couple of months as far as movies are concerned!

New trailers…

TV Spot

Theatrical Spot


Smith is in the real world!!!

*Originally posted by JosephM *
Smith is in the real world!!!

Anyone who payed attention to all of Reloaded should have caught that one. It’s subtle, but they already hinted at it a few times near the end.

*Originally posted by Jeff Waegelin *
**Anyone who payed attention to all of Reloaded should have caught that one. It’s subtle, but they already hinted at it a few times near the end. **

If you call being hit in the face with a brick subtle, then there were subtle hints to that in Reloaded.

If you don’t, it was just obvious.

A few things.

A) It was freaking obvious to me and my 7 year old sister that Smith was in the real world in Reloaded… Getting hit in the face is very good analogy. The movie’s plot was mediocre, yet many people did not seem to get this crucial part of the storyline.

B) Yeah, the trailer came out yesterday and the tv spots came out wednesday… check slashdot for this stuff regularly :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Frank(Aflak) *
**If you call being hit in the face with a brick subtle, then there were subtle hints to that in Reloaded.

If you don’t, it was just obvious. **

Oh great, now you made me look like an idiot! :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh well, I guess I was still confused when the brick came hurtaling towards me.

haha…as soon as i came back to this post to check your new posts, the commercial for revolutions came on. Does that seem like a sign to any of you?

Last time when i went to see 20 of us from SPAM went, and we’re planning to do it again. But this time I’m wearing my Duct Tape Trench Coat.

Hey, has anyone seen the animatrix. If you have, was it worth watching?

I saw it all, sort of. It was a long night, and there was about 5 or 6 of us, and, well, we all fell asleep during some of the last ones. They’re good, but one was dry, and one made no sense at all. There is that cool monkey thing though…

did they have their own storylines, or did they follow along with whats happening in the trilogy?

The Animatrix was great. Each had seperate storylines (except “The Second Renaissance” which had 2 parts) and they all gave further background about the world of the Matrix. It’s just… awesome :slight_smile:

Ian W., what confused you?

I can’t wait for Revolutions!!:ahh:

I’ve seen the Animatrix. It was pretty good, The 2nd Renaissance and The Final Flight of Osirus both tie into The Matrix storyline better than the other ones… but basically they all have something to do with the Matrix. I highly recommend seeing them. :slight_smile:

revolutions will be so much better than Reloded because Neo is not Invuanrable in the real world, as we last seen him. Theres going to be so much more suspense

I’ve been watching this trailer for the past few days… and holy crap! Thats gonna be a good movie… yeah you should have gotten the part where Agent Smith is in the real world when you know… he grabs the phone and gets sucked out… and then at the very end.

Hey did anyone see the matrix reloaded in an Imax theatre?

no :frowning:

yeah…the nearest theatre is about an hour away and i can’t drive so i didn’t get to see it. I was wondering how good it was.