Can we see a video of the bot attempting the trap?
It would need to climb higher/bring the chain lower.
So originally our design consisted of scoring in the trap, however after testing, we were about 2-3 inches short of it due to unaccounted for sag, so keep that in mind as you design your robot. If we had more time we would have pursued it further, however time is a luxury we didn’t have
Love that whiteboard shot. Awesome work!
Awesome robot! Are there any videos with a wider angle of the stage for the climb just to get a better idea of how far off the trap is?
What sag are you talking about?
What made you guys think that you only wanted to shoot in the amp only or is there a possible option to shoot in the speaker as well?
Due to time constraints, we didn’t choose to prioritize shooting in the amp and instead focused on making a good support robot. However, with a different mechanism on the arm, shooting in the speaker is definitely possible.
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