Ri3D links all in one place

I think all the links to the Ri3D builds should be in one spot. If I missed one, please add it in the same format. Please refrain from other discussion unless it’s in this thread to keep the thread clean.

FIRST Capital

Ri3D 1.0

The Bulldogs (Kettering)

Zoukeepers (Mizzou)

Ohio State University

Snow Problem

FAMNM (University of Michigan)

PRi3D of the North (University of North Dakota)

Full Moon Robotics (NC State University)

Ferris State University (FSU Dawgs)

FIRST at Michigan State

FIRST Alumni Network at Grand Valley

UIUC Ri3D (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

Afeka First Alumi

Dayton Ri3D

Conestoga College

AC Robotics (FIRST Western Canada Alumni Group)

Bison Robotics (North Dakota State)

Murray State University Ri3D

There is also an Ri3D competition


May I suggest making this into a wiki so the Ri3D teams can add or update links themselves as needed

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The links to FIRST at Michigan State’s & Ferris State University’s Ri3D medias are on the FIRST Alumni Collegiate Competition website, along with ours, @firstroboticsosu’s, and The Bulldogs’ mentioned in the original post. We’re adding them to the wiki now!


Team Redacted

Team Redacted is doing something odd this year. Normally Ri3D teams focus on mechanical solutions and put very small amount of software one their robots. Since the WPI library has gone through quite a few changes for this year, we decided to spend a day and a half on autonomous code.

To that end we are going, violate a build rule and use two bases already built. We really did not want to spend time building small Kitbot bases and just jump into coding.

The Webpages for this project will be all on:


The code and designs are at:



Hello everyone,

Just wanted to share an update with PRi3D of the North! We are now live! Here is the link to our live stream:

Best of luck! May the Force be with us all!

Dayton also has a Ri3D Team!

Follow us at

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/udri3d/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/first_dri3d/


Conestoga College, Ontario, Canada is also hosting Ri3D. Check out the livestream!

Conestoga Ri3D

This team from Quebec has a video:

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Alright, that was absolutely fantastic. The blaster sounds, the really impressive full-lasered construction, and the overall idea are absolutely fantastic.

I am absolutely blown away by the quality of all of these teams, and their early developments are a massive inspiration to thousands all over the world.

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