Team Connecticut is here for our first year of Robot in 3 Days. Consisting of 6 recent alumni from various teams in Connecticut, we’re eager and excited to take on this feat of engineering.
We’re constantly monitoring the chat and Twitter to see if anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns for us, so if anything comes to mind feel free to speak up.
Thank you for the support!
So far we’ve settled on our plans for the bot. We’re working off of a kit frame and we have designs for the shooter, pickup, and lift/climb mechanism. We had some video of us testing the shooter design last night, I’m gonna see if I can put some clips of it together.
We’re just about ready to get back to work today, we were up until like 4 and then woke back up at 10. I’ll update this post with the new stream link for anyone that’s interested.
We posted a day 2 11PM update just a few moments ago, the video can be viewed here.
A rundown of the video:
We have the frame of the robot completed and the majority of the shooter design mounted, and we’re working on mounting our pickup/feeder. We also have a lift/climbing mechanism designed that we’ll try to incorporate into the final build.
The shooter is at a variable angle and the robot is overall rather short.
We haven’t had the resources to build field components to test on, but we’ll be testing the robot on field components later in the season and posting videos on our YouTube page.
Thank you again for all of the support, and don’t forget to check us out on Twitter @Team_CTRi3d where we try to post updates a bit more often.