I was wondering if any Richmond area teams caught any news coverage of the VCU regional. Some students from our team were interviewed but we forgot to catch the name of the news station. If anyone can give me a list of news stations in the area, or any specific one that covered the regional, I would be very thankful!
Was it a news station or the FIRST promotional DVD they were interviewed for?
I’m pretty sure it was a news station. They interviewed me, dressed as a pirate, some girls dressed as Wizard of Oz characters, and the MC, whos name I can not remember.
The two girls dressed as Oz characters would have been Team 388 (Maximum Oz), and the MC was the one and only Jeff Seaton. They were all interviewed by a crew that was filming for a piece being produced by FIRST. So if you were interviewed by the same crew, that would explain why you didn’t see it on the news (yet).