

RingDingRick.com started as a comic that I drew when I was bored at the Boston Regional last year. It featured one of our college students doing all kinds of interesting and impractical things. Our team (Team 121 the Rhode Warriors) loved it. And that was the end of it. It stayed on paper for six months.

Then, Tom Schindler (www.tomschindler.net) decided to buy us a domain. RingDingRick.com.

After sleeping over at another student’s house and staying up until one in the morning working with dreamweaver CS, I downloaded FileZilla and uploaded our index.

People loved it. I added a new comic every week. It grew and grew, and in time, the pages started falling apart due to my constant changes and edits. So out came RingDingRick 2.0. New pages, new look, new content. I released it the day after the BAE Regional. It had a webcam, showing my computer screen whenever I was working on the website. It had new comics. Three comics released on the same day.

Now, during the weeks before Atlanta, I was coordinating something much bigger.


Hats, Pens, Mousepads, T-shirts. You name it.

I made an online store, and eventually ordered eleven shirts, and a bunch of other stuff. People bought them. The charater was infuriated.
They are still available on ringdingrick.com.

We got to Atlanta. And I had something else. Buisiness cards. Postcards. Stickers. All of this stuff was handed out to all of these teams.

Hits tripled.

Then, I asked myself, What would really round out this website?


Rickster-Oids (asteroids)
An underwater game

All of the flash game sites at our school were blocked.

RingDingRick is now growing to be the Flash game site for our high school.

And we have new, stupid ideas all of the time.

Animated comics? This Thursday. Starring the voices of Joe Menassa (http://Joemenassa.com
Tom Schindler,
Andy Grady.

And so, whenever I need a conversation starter, I simply ask:

So. Have you ever heard of RingDingRick.com?

Hmmmmm… I’m going to check this out. It looks funny.

One comment:

The ability to turn of music/sound in the flash games.

Looking great!


I heard about ringdingrick from a new england friends, didn’t really thing much of it.

Then at Championship, I was given one of the business cards. So I checked it out. It was pretty cool.

I’m pretty excited about the Menassa/Schindler/Grady animated comic mash up :slight_smile:

Keep up the great work. If you need any web help, just send me a message, I might be able to assist.

I’m actually a bit worried. :slight_smile:

No sense of adventure… :rolleyes: :stuck_out_tongue:

I laughed for 10 minutes solid last night without even clicking on anything. Everything is so silly. I must have watched the house go up in flames 5 times before I decided to look at other stuff.

Good luck with this.

Silly is an excellent word to describe these young folk! But they do have a good time with it. I look forward to seeing more Jess/Biker Larry/EasyC comics…might there be some with voiceovers coming soon?

I read a couple of the comics and didn’t care for them. They are good, but they just are not my taste for humor. It is just too random for my tastes. It is apparent however that many people love it and for that congratulations.