Roaring Riptide [Re]Branding Guide

Are you a rookie team that is looking to find its identity? Or perhaps you’re a veteran team that is just looking to refine its image. If so, you should check out Roaring Riptide’s (Re)Branding Guide

In this document, we discuss the importance of having a positive team image as well as the (for the most part) small changes our team made last season to allow us to earn the Imagery Award at the Orlando and South Florida Regionals! Feel free to share this link and let us know if you have any feedback, or if the document inspires your team to make any improvements to your team’s image, let us know by tagging us on FB, IG, or Twitter @frcriptide4118 #RiptideRebranding #RoaringRiptide

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Love the branding, but maybe I’m bias…


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