RoboBlue Warriors: updated and looking good.

For the past…oh 2 weeks I guess, I have been working to complete our teams website.

We are competing in the Canadian Regionals so competition is minimal.

I could have done a better job on the design I admit but its the content thats KEY.

Our site includes a real cool FIRST Canadian Regional TRIVIA. It also has cool downloads for the FIRST competition including a few screen savers…interactive backgrounds. I also took the time to go around our team and gather a LOT more info to pump the site up with amazing stuff.

All the scripting has a moderator backend to allow teacher mods and team members to easily add news or change anything. It even has a very useful page logging system :wink: :wink: IP log + host lookup + page log.

Took me a while but ALAS its complete. The site is developed in PHP+ASP and has a mySQL backend. There is some Flash too (I couldn’t resist the temptation of placing a SWF within :-))

Well enough of my rambling heres the site:

St. Michael’s College ROBOBLUE WARRIORS Website

Anyways enjoy :slight_smile:

I like it a lot. Very nice. I’m sure you put a ton of time into is, but it really is shown.:cool:

(PS: I voted awesom in the poll;) )

Very well done.



Too bad you arn’t in the Canadian Regional. We need votes!!

I didn’t really spend that much time on it. A few updates here and there. I actually do PHP+ASP+mySQL programming on the side so I had these components already developed, just needed to change them to implement. That took me a while.

I would add more Flash but I got lazy :yikes:

Oh well I need some more thoughts about the site.



The only thing i was wondering about was if you can just give away Robot Wars like that. I know i bought the game a year ago. You may want to check copywright issues.

*Originally posted by blueWarrior *
**I would add more Flash but I got lazy :yikes: **

Don’t… There are people that have too much flash and it ruins your site. The amount of flash you have is perfect. :smiley:

I’m slowly running out of idea’s for new updates. I was thinking of making a new game to add, but then it wouldn’t look professional any more.

I was going to add a web ring for other robotics websites, but its has been done already and I would have to develop a new script.

Oh well. I just hope that its good enough to win our competition.

The only thing i was wondering about was if you can just give away Robot Wars like that. I know i bought the game a year ago. You may want to check copywright issues.

I am almost positive that those companies won’t care. Who would make a fuss over something that minuscule. Plus we are giving them free advertisment to a large 14+ age group, Im sure they wont care :wink: :wink:

Thanks again guys, keep suggestions comin!


Just as I finished posting that an idea came to my mind. Does anyone want to start a FIRST Robotics website advertisment exchange service? Like you give me ad space, I give you ad space etc.

Just an idea, wondering who would be interested.

*Originally posted by blueWarrior *

Just as I finished posting that an idea came to my mind. Does anyone want to start a FIRST Robotics website advertisment exchange service? Like you give me ad space, I give you ad space etc.

Just an idea, wondering who would be interested. **

I honestly don’t think anyone would want a banner exchange program. Many of them are space users, non-helpful.

*Originally posted by blueWarrior *
**For the past…oh 2 weeks I guess, I have been working to complete our teams website.

We are competing in the Canadian Regionals so competition is minimal.

I could have done a better job on the design I admit but its the content thats KEY.

Our site includes a real cool FIRST Canadian Regional TRIVIA. It also has cool downloads for the FIRST competition including a few screen savers…interactive backgrounds. I also took the time to go around our team and gather a LOT more info to pump the site up with amazing stuff.

All the scripting has a moderator backend to allow teacher mods and team members to easily add news or change anything. It even has a very useful page logging system :wink: :wink: IP log + host lookup + page log.

Took me a while but ALAS its complete. The site is developed in PHP+ASP and has a mySQL backend. There is some Flash too (I couldn’t resist the temptation of placing a SWF within :-))

Well enough of my rambling heres the site:

St. Michael’s College ROBOBLUE WARRIORS Website

Anyways enjoy :slight_smile: **

Hey that’s really nice, man!
Keep it up!
I voted awesome.

One thing is this:
If you want to be really competitive in the website design award, you might want to guy a domain name just so it seems more professional. sold me all my domains for 7.95 a year. You can do it cheaply, it looks more professional, and, most importantly, tons more people will type “” than “” just because it’s quicker and easier to remember.
It’s not a necessity, and I’ll bet you’re going to be the winner, but it would look nice.


Thanks. About the domain. I personally would like to have a domain, but the school wants to make the robotics website look apart of the school (an intergrated team) and have visitors come to the main site also.

I will run it by the administration one more time, but they are very very picky.

Anyways thanks guys :slight_smile:

Great job! The Flash intro is slick looking, and the layout of the site is nice.


all i have and can say.

Thanks guys. I have had over 1000 hits this past week. I log all IPs and host IP lookups so I can keep track of abusers.

Some guy tried voting 200 times on my polling system. What a nut! Any suggestions guys?

nice job on the animation and on the website…