Hello My name is Gui from Team 2344, The Saunders Droid Factory. We would like to invite you to an offseason event we are planning to host on Saturday, May 30th, at Saunders Trades and Technical High School. The flyer and invoice for the event are attatched. We will have an official playing field, and are hoping for about 24+ teams. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact our advisor at [email protected]. Thank You. All info is in the invoice attatched file if needed.
RoboFest_2009_invoice%5B1%5D[1].doc (1.99 MB)
RoboFest_2009_invoice%5B1%5D[1].doc (1.99 MB)
Sounds like a lot of fun.
Do you need volunteers???
Hey! I just notice the cool new smilies:
Well, the flier is apparently incompatible, I blame it being on powerpoint.
Since the flier doesnt upload, and the invoice doesnt have our advisers phone number, here it is. (914)-310-0984
If you have any questions about the event in general, or anything specific, thats a good place to start.
And as for volunteers, I cant imagine why we would say no! The more the merrier right?
volunteers are always welcomed, please contact our advisor asap
On your flier it says the event is from 8pm to 6pm. I’m guessing that should be 8am to 6pm?
You’d be correct to guess that. Are you guys interested in attending?
Unfortunate-our prom is the night before!
Prom first for the Seniors!
BUT this is a perfect opportunity to send in your Junior Team members to a competition and really give them a chance to show their abilities to lead the team in 2010!
::safety:: or else ::ouch::
Is there a website for the event?
Team 1155 can’t wait for Robofest, it should be awesome!
Any updates about who is signed up to attend so far?
I want to see who will be attending before we make a choice.
Just got an e-mail that the event was canceled.