Hello friends, I know \i am posting this in the wrong forum, but I am in quick need of help. I have ROBOLAB on a USB, and am trying to get it to work on a laptop with Windows Vista. It seems to close as soon as its opened, have any of you had problems with this and how have you fixed it?
What is the proper way to install ROBOLAB on Vista?
By the way, I am in Samara, Russia with a 9 year old boy and his mother and am trying to teach fundamentals of robotics, but am short on time. Thanks everyone.
I have not used ROBOLAB, but I am using Vista. You might try running ROBOLAB in XP Compatibility mode. Right click on the icon and select properties. Then select the compatibility tab. Try different modes and see what happens.
I hope this helps.
Try running it as an administrator, and/or in Windows XP compatibility mode.
Runas’ syntax is basically runas /user:USERNAME “C:\PATHTOROBOLAB\ROBOLAB.EXE”. (You’ll be prompted for the password, which isn’t echoed to the screen.) Or do runas /? for more options.
XP compatibility mode can be invoked from the properties tab of the executable. (On Windows 2000, you had to regsvr something to make the compatibility tab show up; I don’t have Vista in front of me today, so I can’t check if it shows up by default. In XP it’s available, though.)
Depending on how badly you want it, and the resources available to you, you could also set up a Windows XP virtual machine on Virtual PC 2007 (free download from Microsoft). You’ll need XP install media and a licence, however.
I’m afraid this probably won’t help you much, but we have Robolab 2.9.4 installed on Vista Home and it seems to work fine. I don’t recall doing anything out of the ordinary with the installation.
after finding and running setup.exe under the USB Tower driver, everything was great. I neglected to mention it was robolab 2.5.4 I’ll post pictures and eventually video later.
by the way, navaigating windows in another language is fuuun.