Over the weekend our team competed in the FIM St Joe event. During the event we were making use of the RoboRio 2.0 micro SD card slot to keep a copy of known good code ready to go. During one of the swap outs we noted that the micro SD card would no longer stay in the RoboRio. Has any other team experienced this? We did have a few mentors from other teams look at this as well and nobody could explain it. We will be in contact with National Instruments about this.
Yes happened to High Rollers too, glad we are using RoboRio 1, not worth the extra risk for minimal performance gain. Who ever thought using eject able SD Cards as a good idea in high speed ramming situations?
@Boltman can you clarify to what failure you are referring to. The way your response is worded makes me think that you’re talking about a different failure mode than OP, and I’d like to understand if this is the case, and if this is something teams should watch out for with the RoboRIO 2.0.
They were unable to drive in a match due to SD Card not working or able to be swapped quickly. Yes , I would worry about it . Very bad design choice IMO
Yes we’ve experienced this multiple times in practice and have now switched to a roborio 1 because the microSD card slot is way too fragile and the failure mode is not acceptable.
If anyone here who has the issues could post videos, I’d be curious to see what is happening.
Turns out ( learned after the fact and too late to help us) that part of the problem is associated with mounting the RR such that the RR is vertical with SD slot vertical. Horizontal orientation of the RR allows successful reinsertion of the card. Who knew all we had to do was turn our robot on it’s side to be able to play the match? Regardless, this situation is not acceptable. Just glad we found this out early in the season.
Who told you that? Is this documented somewhere? Not accusatory (if it comes off that way). I’m trying to collect anecdotes and understand the issues with the new device.
We discovered this while working in the pit on the RR that failed us. The only way the card would go in on the RR we pulled off our robot was when we held it horizontally. Additionally, it turns out there has been a thread here on CD addressing this issue… in fact a Mod might want to merge these threads.
I think you are talking about this thread: roboRIO 2.0 SD card orientation issue
but this is the first I’m hearing of the orientation suggestion - though it’s possible I missed a thread somewhere.
From the thread you just shared…
F0ur13r013CAD, Media/Marketing, Tinkering
NEW UPDATE** when the roboRIO 2.0 is mounted with the SD card slot at the top you can eject it but not insert it.
Just wish we had at least seen this before we mounted our RR II.
If it makes you feel any better, I’ve got one that will do it while sitting horizontal on a flat surface.
I won’t speculate publicly on the cause but I have some thoughts about what it might be.
Also, for anyone else stumbling across this in the future - the only official explanation that has been provided by NI is the sticker on the stock cards that ship with the RIO 2.0 and removing them might improve things (see the other thread). I don’t know of anything else official at the moment.
This is not the same issue. In our case it does not matter what orientation the roboRio is in. Our cards will not stay in the unit and it acts like an eject anytime you try to insert.
I am curious though, has anyone found a way to keep the SD Cards in? like a locking mechanism just in case the built in one fails? following onto what @jbarry987 has said, we were thinking about a small piece of plastic would go over and keep the SD Cards in place, or just hot glueing the SD Card into place and rewriting images and firmware onto the Rio using USB just like the Rio 1.0.
Even when it’s trying to eject?
Yep. It’ll hold it to the contacts.
Using kapton tape for this. It’s not stretchy. I suspect gaffers tape might work well too.
This is probably what we are going to do. I haven’t removed it since inserting it after the initial imaging and at this point I’m too scared to do so.
In our case the SD Card slot just became broken and the SD Card would not stay in at all. We ended up getting a new Robo RIO.
We don’t have any issues with the SD Card coming out so long as the SD Card slot is working properly.
Did NI take care of this or did you purchase a new one?