RoboRio Code Decay over Time + Random Direction Flip on certain deploys


So most of our team’s robot is working but we are having one issue which we are having trouble ironing out. When we deploy code to the robot and leave it for about 10 minutes or simply deploy code, once in a while (maybe once or twice an hour), either something happens which makes the motor flip direction from the norm temporarily (which is fixed with a redeploy), or communication with certain motors itself completely stops (which is also fixed with a code redeploy). This is with the roborio v1 with about 18 motor slots filled up with falcons / sparks (this might be relevant if it has to do with can utilization?) We have a week 2 event and this is the only thing making us unreliable from, in my opinion, being pretty competitive ranking wise; as such, we would appreciate any tips on possible fixes we may look into + whether this is common for your team (has happened to one other team we talked to). Anything you might suggest would be greatly appreciated since this issue (which appears to be neither electrical or sw), is something that we are concerned about being able to isolate in time for the competition due to its nondeterministic nature.

Some further clarification information:

  • This happens on our swerve modules (which screws with offsets and messes up our ability to drive) which are falcons. We have also seen this happen with neos attached via sparks. It seems quite random - certain motors will just stop working and a redeploy without any code change fully fixes it.

  • It usually appears to be just one motor at a time that gets messed up, not all of them.

  • Rebooting the roborio does not fix it - it requires a full code redeploy.

Thank you!

The solution we are currently looking into is trying to get a canivore in time for our first competition since that should hopefully decrease CAN utilization which we believe is the source of our problems. Would be great to know what the repercussions are of extremely high can utilization.

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