RoboRIO does not store code

Hello Everyone,

I was reading in the control system manual and I noticed that the roboRIO is supposed to store code without needing a restart. But, when I deploy code over USB in eclipse, I have to restart the robot. If I do not, the code will disappear when I unplug the USB.

But, after toggling the power on the robot, the code stays.

Here is the link to the manual page on this:!prettyPhoto

configure the dlink so you can connect wirelessly, then you can upload code wirelessly

I can do that already but this doesn’t fix my problem.

Sounds like your code is crashing check the logs or upload the code on github for people to see

The code is not crashing. I said that the code will only store if I turn the robot off. Otherwise, the code will disappear when I remove the USB. If I go through the process of power cycling the robot, then the code stays, and works as it should.