RoboRIO giveaway, FUNalysis, and FIRST Choice pro tips!

Huge week starting 11/27 on FUN with lot’s of giveaways!

Monday 11/27 FIRST Choice Pro Tips with Marshall Massengill from FRC900, Kate Pilotte from FIRST, and Jerry Budd from AndyMark. If you want to find out the best way to utilize your FIRST Choice credits then check this out. Even if you are a veteran team you might get a couple nuggets you didn’t know about. Also some sweet giveaways for live viewers courtesy of AndyMark

Tuesday 11/28 FUNalysis Time to break down some awesome matches in FIRST history to understand how you can help optimize your drive team, avoid critical mistakes, and harness the successes with Karthik Kanagasabapathy, Mason Markee, and Nick Lawrence! We are taking suggestions for matches outside of the 2017 season to break down so please suggest away!

**Thursday 11/30 FUNdamentals of LabVIEW ** FUN is partnering with National Instruments over four shows to bring you tips and tricks of LabVIEW for your FRC team with April Ridett from NI! Starting from the basics all the way through advanced training find out if LabVIEW could be the right fit for your FRC team. **Each show National Instruments has generously offered to give away one roboRIO live during the show **. For those who are well versed in LabVIEW or might be utilizing other directions, I would encourage you to help find those who might benefit from this and get in chat with them. We also plan on having trivia and live demos during the show to keep it fresh and engaging.

All shows begin at 8:30pm US Eastern. You can watch all these shows live for a chance to win our giveaways below at . You will have to comment in chat and follow FUN’s Twitch channel for a chance to win.

I’m pretty pumped for this show. One of the three matches we’re going to be analyzing is what I consider the worst (or best) match in FRC history. It should be a good time.

I just want to say folks :open_hands: this is fake news :wave: okay? :ok_hand: I’ve had some people :point_up: tell me :open_hands:, and these are very reliable people. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: Very good people, okay? :ok_hand: They told me that the show he is actually pumped about :point_up: is the one that this other guy, :open_hands: Marshall, :wave: is co-hosting. Okay? :ok_hand:. These people tell me that show :point_up: is really something special :ok_hand: and that the terrific people at AndyMark :open_hands: will be giving away prizes, okay? :ok_hand: Believe me folks :point_up:, it’s really something and you’ll just have to see for yourself soon. :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

I may be a bit biased, but:

(some 2017 match)

EDIT: Reread post. Please ignore

CD and the FIRST world in 2017; Marshall hosting a FUN show.

Geez… I did it last year too. Everybody’s a critic.

Seriously, if you’re a rookie team or if you’re mentoring a rookie team then tell them to tune in. FIRST Choice and the vKOP can be a bit confusing for the uninitiated and we aim to make it simple. It’s gonna be YUGE! MUFASA! (Make Using FIRSTChoice Amazingly Simple and Awesome!)

Cold medicine… not even once kids.

What is 888 doing in this match…

Apparently they weren’t in on the strategy…

Will it be a show the likes of which the FRC world has never seen before?

Pretty effectively neutralizing 1114, it looks like.

Huh. I don’t see Quals 17 - Waterloo Regional 2008 - The Blue Alliance in that list.

2013 Michigan State Championship finals (all 3 matches).

1114 was trying to help their alliance.

And I counted 3 balls they blocked on 469.

How about this match. Nothing like a little 6v0.

Which in the match shown, was behavior that actively hurt 888’s score and ranking!

It is possible that given how late it was in the Qual rounds 888 was trying to practice/showcase defense. We won’t know for sure, but it may have led to them being a 2nd pick for the 3rd seed, an alliance which made it to division finals. It’s the paradox of helping the alliance versus ‘doing what it takes to stand out’.

Tangentially related to match suggestions: I would love to have Kathik analyze some elimination drafts. Especially the ones where a single alliance came out hugely a favorite or when a low alliance wins. In essence, how do drafts like this happen and how do you make them happen.

Update: Tonight we will be giving away 2x AndyMark Hoodies courtesy of AndyMark!

Show starts at 8:30pm Eastern. Discover more about FIRST Choice from the experts and get some sweet swag too! Must watch live and follow show instructions to be eligible to win. Certain restrictions apply.
