RoboRIO imaging problem

Perhaps I’m misunderstanding something but we’ve tried multiple times to re-image our RoboRIO and are told by the imaging tool that it was successful. However upon re-booting / resetting the RoboRIO, the IP address is still Shouldn’t the proper IP address have our team number in the middle two segments, e.g.

What are we doing wrong?:confused:

Thanks for any help!

The roboRIO USB address is hardcoded to be

There are three general IP addresses that your roboRIO will have at various times:

  1. on a USB connection to a PC
  2. when receiving an IP address from the radio AP or field AP via DHCP (at home on AP and on the playing field at competition)
    *] or something similar as a self-assigned link local IP address (at home or competition when directly connected via Ethernet to a PC)
    Some more FRC networking information is here:

Thanks Mark!

I had run across the hardwired address info just a bit ago and was going to re-post to here saying the problem was solved. You beat me to the punch.