Perhaps I’m misunderstanding something but we’ve tried multiple times to re-image our RoboRIO and are told by the imaging tool that it was successful. However upon re-booting / resetting the RoboRIO, the IP address is still Shouldn’t the proper IP address have our team number in the middle two segments, e.g.
What are we doing wrong?
Thanks for any help!
The roboRIO USB address is hardcoded to be
There are three general IP addresses that your roboRIO will have at various times:
- on a USB connection to a PC
- when receiving an IP address from the radio AP or field AP via DHCP (at home on AP and on the playing field at competition)
*] or something similar as a self-assigned link local IP address (at home or competition when directly connected via Ethernet to a PC)
Some more FRC networking information is here:
Thanks Mark!
I had run across the hardwired address info just a bit ago and was going to re-post to here saying the problem was solved. You beat me to the punch.