Roborio linux

Does anyone know any command that can use when connect roborio with SSH?
I have been saw the command that can be used to format roborio, so I thought maybe there are more command can used.
It will be powerful!!

“opkg” is probably the coolest command I know on the roboRIO.

You must be one of today’s lucky 10,000 when it comes to the Linux command line and it’s a bright and wonderful future ahead.


I’m not really sure what you’re asking here. You can ssh into the roboRIO using your preferred ssh client, and from there you can run whatever Linux commands you want. The most useful one on the roboRIO in my experience is top to tell what programs are running and how much memory each is using

If you have robotpy installed on the Rio, I think you can run many commands from the shell. It may actually be the coolest function of robotpy. Remember though, motor safety is still a thing.

Indeed. Safety first: if anyone tells you rm -rf / is a cool command, DO NOT BELIEVE THEM AND DO NOT TRY IT.

But, as you probably noticed, the roboRIO is indeed running a realtime linux environment, with a reasonably functional shell and SSH and similar goodies.

Admittedly I don’t use it all that much.

cd, rm, ls, scp, top, and kill are the most common ones I end up using.

If you’re in the business of installing new stuff, sl is one of my favorites.

cowsay and fortune are also very fun, and the best way I know to teach | pipe concepts:



You’ve barely touched the surface. In one of the coolest things ever, NI does most of their kernel and OS development in the open:

I recommend looking at the 5.6 branch as I suspect that is what we will be using this coming year if the pattern holds.

You can also compile your own kernel modules if you don’t have anything better to do:


Sweet! TIL their kernel development is open! I hadn’t even bothered looking for it in the past, because something something big corporations closed hardware something something. I need to be less jaded.


It’s very easy to become jaded when much of the software that we interface with directly to drive the robots is not open source even though the kernel and operating system largely are.

I recently learned that the LabVIEW runtimes, while not completely open, can actually be run on alternative platforms for instance:


I’ve only SSHed into the RoboRIO once and it was for something I couldn’t figure out how to do any other way, besides from formatting the RoboRIO. Persistent network table values are stored in an ini file, so I SSHed in to delete the file. We were trying to test if our code would run properly without those network table values already existing from a previous run.

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