RoboRIO Re-image Error-80041CF0(Error Code)


This is Mike from Team 5879. Our team hit an unexpected power down when re-imaging roboRIO, and then it indicates some error occured during firmware update. The error code is 80041CF0.

Some infor shown as follows:

  1. firmware: 3.0.0f0
  2. os: NI linux Real-time ARMV7-A 3.14.40-rt37-ni-3.0.0f2
    3)status: Safe mode(Software error)
    4)roboRIO image version: FRC_roboRIO_2015_v23

Could anyone help show how to get it fixed?


The only time I’ve encountered problems during flashing was when I was attempting to flash over Ethernet cable.

Are you connected via USB per the instructions?


Yeah, We are connecting roboRIO with USB cable, but re-image always fails.

Losing power with flashing HW is rarely a good thing. If you don’t get it going, please contact NI using info from

Greg McKaskle

Thanks Greg. will try to ping NI to see if there is any way to get it work.