RoboRio to rasberrypi

My team would like to use a raspberrypi this year as a co-processor for vision tracking. We understand how to do it form a software standpoint but cant for the life us figure out how to connect it to the roborio. We were thinking maybe something like a usb-ethernet adapter, we’ve also heard of using the roborio’s i2c. Have any teams used a rasberry pi and have a reliable way to connect the two?

I haven’t used the Pi specifically for this but I have used a few other devices as coprocessors. I’d recommend using Ethernet to connect the two. You can setup your own TCP or UDP connection from one to the other.

Connect them both to the Ethernet. (If you run out of ports on the robot radio, install a small Ethernet switch.) Set the Pi to use a static IP such as (something well out of the way of the FRC DHCP assigned IPs).

You could in theory use I2C, DIOs, PWMs, USB etc. but Ethernet is by far the simplest.

see this
Look here for tracking shronghold goalpost
you can connect the Pi to RoboRio on serial line that will be simplest,
other solutions may be I2C or Ethernet but I think best and easiest will be serial (not usb serial)

3322 will be using UART to communicate between the two. I will post our code here in a week or two when we get around to writing it.

Why not use network tables?

Here is an example in python.

NetworkTable sd = NetworkTable.getTable(“SmartDashboard”);


sd.putNumber(‘robotTime’, 10);

I would second Network Tables. It’s what we are using to use vision processing on our Driver Station.