When we connect to our roboRIO, even though we can build code to it and interact with it through the roboRIO interface on IE, the driver station shows no communication or robot code. Note: In the picture below, the roboRio shows no communication or robot code, even though it shows connection to the radio and the robot itself in the diagnostics tab.
Resetting the roboRio for the umpteenth time eventually resulted in us regaining communications on the driver station, I hope this helps anyone else who may encounter this weird issue!
We have also faced this issue, although rather intermittently. The only solution we found was multiple power cycles until we get back comms.
What operating system is the PC running?
The top of the window looks like Win 8(.1).
We have had something similar happen to us as well. Sometimes there is no comm at all and we can’t connect to the web interface either. We are running Windows 7 but I don’t know if the PC side matters since cycling power on the roborio seemed to be the only fix.
We also have had issues with the space bar being the stop button - way too easy to do that, and it also requires a roborio power cycle.
Space bar is Estop, Enter is just disable
Also, have you made sure that you do NOT have this option enabled on the roborio web dash?
Disable RT Startup App
I believe we had a similar issue at the Suffield Shakedown this Saturday. If you were watching the webcast, this was the root cause of our bot delaying a few matches.
When the main breaker is closed we observe no link light on the roborio Ethernet port.
Pressing the reset button on the Rio after the radio has finished booting has worked every time for us.
I believe FRC177 also had the same problem at Suffield and arrived at the same procedure to address the comm problem.
In preparation for Shakedown we went through all software revisions and realized we had an outdated FPGA image on the Rio on our comp bot. We reimaged, and flashed the Rio prior to packing up. The reason I mention this is that prior to flashing the latest firmware, we didn’t have any of the previously mentioned comm problems. Now with all updates installed we are having issues. That said, there were quite a few other teams who were not having any problems. As far as I know 177 and us were the only ones experiencing this issue at Suffield.
I haven’t had a chance to look at the robot since Suffield, Ill look at the RT startup app setting mentioned. We have two other roboRios that dont exgibit this problem, but I havnt double checked the revisions of software they are running. Might end up doing a clean flash/image. I’ll report back with any findings.
Thanks otherguy, I believe Jake and the other programmers might not have waited until the radio had booted every time, just the last time, before pressing the reset button. We’ll keep that in mind in the future and hope that this doesn’t happen in a competition.
When you had the link light issue, were you using the OpenMesh port closest to the power connector for the roboRIO?