Robot Access Period

My team is based in DC and this is the first year we are doing the district model. Because of this, Section 5.5 of the admin manual allows for a “Robot Access Period” after stop build day where teams can un-bag the robot for 6 hours and “perform any activity they would normally do during the build season, including practicing with the robot” within the 7 days preceding a district event.

**Does this permit teams to bag only the chassis and continue to work on other parts until a week before their district event, put everything together during the 6 hour Robot Access Period, and re-bag? **Essentially an unlimited withholding allowance.

This seems like it wouldn’t be allowed but I couldn’t find a rule prohibiting it…

You’re right, it’s NOT allowed. Take a look at R30, starting after the first blue box.

Short version: You get 30 lb, whether you put it into the bag during the access period or carry it into the venue separately. Choose your parts wisely…

Are you sure it’s R30?

R30 The integral mechanical and electrical system of any motor must not be modified…

Found it - R18.

For Teams attending 2-Day Events, these FABRICATED ITEMS may be used during the Robot Access Period and/or brought to the Event, but the total weight may not exceed 30 lbs. FABRICATED ITEMS constructed during the Robot Access Period and bagged with the ROBOT are exempt from this limit.

The “perform any activity they would normally do during the build season” language seems contradictory.

“For Teams attending 2-Day Events, these FABRICATED ITEMS may be used during the Robot Access Period and/or brought to the Event, but the total weight may not exceed 30 lbs. FABRICATED ITEMS constructed during the Robot Access Period and bagged with the ROBOT are exempt from this limit.”

What this means is that any parts you fabricate during the 6hr of robot access time are just like items that you fabricate in the pits, in that they do not count against your 30lb withholding allowance.

So for example you withhold your 30lb scaling mechanism. During your first 2hr period you attach it and decide that you need to to add a couple of braces and stronger brackets. You used your entire 30lbs so you can not fabricate them before your next access period. So in your next 2hr period someone starts fabricating them and they don’t get finished so you put them in the bag with the robot. In your 3rd 2hr period you finish fabrication and install them.

Now you can not bring any withholding to your first event, since you used your 30lbs during your first robot access period. The weight of the braces and brackets does not count since they were fabricated during the access period.

Another example. You attach your 15 lb arm to the robot during your first access period and during extreme testing you decide that the gripper portion is susceptible to damage. So you build two spare grippers each weighing 5lbs and bring them as part of your remaining 15lb withholding allowance for that event.

In both cases the 30lb withholding allowance resets before your next event with the same 6hr access period. If you make it to DCMP then you get another 30lbs but no access period as it will be a 3day event.

Ok. That makes more sense. Thanks for the explanations!

One advantage is that you are in your shop. If you need to put something heavy on your robot, Have the raw materials laid out with the tools & drawings ready. Items fabricated during the 6 hour window & Cots are not subject to the withholding.