Is there, in the manual, a place where they talk about the robot arm rules.
Thank you
Is there, in the manual, a place where they talk about the robot arm rules.
Thank you
Have you read Section 4?
Yes, and there is no specific rules
Exactly. If an arm follows all the rules in there it should be fine.
That’s your problem. You’re looking for rules marked, “robot arm”.
That’s not the way the Manual works. Pneumatics, electronics, the control system, bumpers, and the Operator Console have their own rules sections, as does the Minibot. You’ll notice that there is no rule set for “chassis” or “drivetrain”, however.
You have to go through the Manual by the way it’s laid out, which is by power/control system with a few specifics. I’ll give you a start, though: start with <R11>.