robot awards!

dunno, i thought it would be funny.

everything in this thread is to be taken with a grain of salt.

and the winner of the obfuscated drivetrain award is…

team 998! :smiley:

if anyone wants the template for the award image, it’s at

have fun :smiley:

Their drivetrain is a 4-wheel swerve drive.
They have 2 Globe Motors controling the direction of all 4 wheels.
Then they have a drill motor/tranny powering each side of the drivetrain. The tricky part is how they do this. They use these drill tranny’s to spin a shaft mounted vertically through the wheels. This then spins a bevel gear (not shown) which powers the wheels forward and reverse.

By doing this, they are able to drive and swerve their wheels with a minimum of motors and gears. (4 motor, 4 wheel swerve)

I’m not from 998, nor have I heard any details concerning their drivetrain. This is just my speculation based on my past FIRST/Design experience.

I don’t mean to steal any of their thunder, but I think this is a very cool, and elegant design. I thought it might merit some explanation.

Nice job 998!

Hope that clears things up!

i pretty much got it when i studied it closeley, but this was a joke, i thought it’d be funny :wink: