Haha, that’s pretty cool. I bet your coach was happy with that one
Very nice driving! Properly avoiding defending robots takes quite a lot of skill, and a maneuverable robot.
Watching this should be mandatory for any Defensive Ends in the NFL.
Nice video, failed to spot the spinning move But what I thought was really cool about this was that one person from the alliance closer to the camera, was passing innertubes to a robot OVER the alliance station wall. I had never thought of that possibility before and now that I think of it, it’s completely legal. I’ll be sure to try to fit that into future strategies.
Upon watching the video again, I saw the spin move. Pretty awesome move there! Congrats!
watched the spin move in person from the front row
it WAS awesome.
heh it was definitely smooth. i think the amount of ease your driver showed with it was more impressive than anything. does your bots score only top row? i never saw the arm move
saw that move in the webcast. I need to get my drivers to watch that over and over again. That was VERY slick!
thanks, we only scored on the the top rows.
<G48> Entering GAME PIECES onto the field - Only the HUMAN PLAYERS may enter a RINGER
or SPOILER onto the field once the TELEOPERATED PERIOD begins. This may be done
by attempting to throw it to a ROBOT or onto the RACK, passing it through the CHUTE to a
ROBOT, or passing it through the CHUTE for pickup by a ROBOT. If GAME PIECES are
thrown, they must be thrown over the top of the Alliance Station Wall, and may not be
thrown around the side of the Alliance Station Wall. Violations of this rule will result in a 10-
point penalty per GAME PIECE entered onto the field.
I’m confused. I thought ringers had to be thrown to the robots, not holding the ringer over the wall, and allowing the robot to grab it?
Please refer to this Q&A post
that was pretty slick. Our robot this year almost demands that kind of flair, since we are in class 2 with a 1 spd tranny ~9fps. I find it a heck of a lot more fun to out-dodge the power beasts that the ramp-bot strategy calls for.
Thanks Nuttyman54.
Nice. If anything, every driver should practice that. One of the best moves I’ve seen. That was awesome!!!
Your team was very tough as an opponent, great play, good luck this year, hope to see you in Atlanta!
that was a great move. i’m lucky enough to be the ‘driver’ that controls the arm and gripper, and from my place it was super amazing. We watched that video about 10 times that night.
We WERE able to score on all levels (we scored on the middle 2 or 3 times in competition) but moving our arm was slow and it was faster for us to score high. Once when we filled up the top row, we scored one on the middle. Scoring low was just a pain in the butt so we never tried it in Wisconsin.
Unfortunately, we ARE NOT going to Atlanta.
Cool! What kind of drive do you have?
Nothing special. High traction wheels in the back and omni-directional in the front. Only the rear wheels are driven.
Not to dtract from the awesome move, but i cant help wondering how much of that move was amazing driver skills by casserole, and how much of this was the defending robot hitting your omni’s. It was obviously good drivers that had the brains to follow through and keep spinning, but i dont know how intentional that was.
In any case, good job, and nice arm. Too bad we won’t see you in ATL
I had thought of that, and you’re probably right in that it happened beause the defender hit our omni’s. But our driver had some amazing driving all day and won two awards from other teams for it, so I don’t know if anyone else could have finished it the way he did.