Robot Coms Issues

I’ve been troubleshooting issues our team has been having with getting our robot to communicate with the driver station. The signal light does show that it is getting some sort of communication, but we got 2 red lights on the Driver Station for Robot Code and Coms. We are using our robot from last year (Logomotion) with out 2012 imaged E09 classmate. The robot hasn’t been changed code or firmware wise since April. Any ideas of why its not communicating?

Also, we have reset the Dlink if that helps.

Tom H

After you reset the DAP-1522, did you then reconfigure it so your Driver Station could connect to it?

Can you get good communication using a wired (“tethered”) connection?

The dLink was reset and reconfigured, and also, we did tether and still didn’t get coms.

-Tom H

UPDATE: Mounted the cRIO on our test board and got it set up. Imaged it with Java v43 and with a simple code, as well as last years working code. After disabling the firewalls on my laptop, I could successfully flash code. Still have 2 red lights/dots for comms and robot code on the classmate driver station and the one I installed on my laptop. Both projects still came with the issue. Classmate is a and my laptop is on .6. I have been able to ping the cRIO, as well as access it via FTP. Everything right now is wired via ethernet cables (crossover), the cable from the DLink to the cRIO I am not sure if its crossover. Also, before imaging, I did make sure the DLink was configured correctly. Any ideas?

I want to mention one other thing. The signal light on the robot did the same thing it did last night. When there was no DS connected, it was flashing fast, when the DS was connected, it flashed slowly. So I think the cRIO sees the DS, but the DS doesn’t see the cRIO fully. Not sure if that helps at all.

Tom H

That’s an unusual enough symptom that I suspect something more than user error. On the Diagnostics tab of the Driver Station, what do the Communication “LEDs” show?

You might try running the Driver Station program on your programming laptop and see if that gets a good connection.

Already tried the Driver Station on the programming laptop and no luck. I recall seeing the robot having a green light on the diagnostics page. Won’t be able to look at it for another few hours.

After some more work, we managed to get coms. Seems like the firewall was a factor, as well as the connection settings. Thanks for the help!

Good job and thanks for letting us know what fixed it.

What were some of the connection settings you had to change? We are having the same problem with our re-imaged 09 Classmate. We have the 2012 driver station installed on a desktop and it is able to talk to the robot without any issues. The desktop is running XP.

Mike U.