Robot Expansion

I have a question about robot expansion for the Beach Party game. As far as vertical expansion how far can we go. Page 35 section R5 mentions horizontal maximum of 18 inches but doesn’t mention vertical expansion. Page 24 section SG2 mentions a maximum height of 90 inches but does not say the robot can be expanded to that height. So my question is how much can a robot expand vertically from its starting position?

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The way I’m interpreting the rule is that 90 inches is the hard limit for robot height

So your robot can be expanded to any height as long as its equal to or below 90 inches

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The way I would interpret that is that the robot can extend to 90 inches out of the starting position (and in this case I would assume the expansion would occur during auto), as long as it does not extend out of that range. Most of the height/length rules have been this way, so it would be pretty odd for them to change it up for this one.

Robots can extend vertically to up to 90 inches tall once the match has begun. This is a carry over rule from the past 2 years. I will review the wording in the rules. but the intent is to allow for vertical extension from the 48" starting height, with ample allowance for mechanisms to reach over the fence and hanging bars as needed.

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