G413 seems to allow a component extending out the bottom of a robot as long as the vertical distance from the bottom of that component to the tallest part of the robot is <= 4 feet.
However the last example of R403 (also G411) makes me question if this is allowed.
Now this answer on the FIRST FRC Q&A System states you can extend below but it cannot cause your robot to violate G411 (also R403) by bringing the bumpers out of the bumper zone.
But say you are elevated off the ground by pulling up with the chain. If there was a mechanism extending beneath your robot that was not touching the ground I wonder if this violates G411.
Im curious what others think, Im probably going to ask the QA bc the language is confusing me.
I think re-reading Example 2 in the blue box makes that clear. Supposing you were hanging from the chain, extending mechanism below several inches. Then virtually transported to a flat floor and measured. Result? Bumpers outside of zone therefore a in violation.
As far as G411 part E the word REPEATEDLY is in there, so that a little different. As for MOMENTARY… well there is a definition for that. so I suppose you could get away with it for a short period of time by the rules, but I can only think of a fewrobot mechanisms of the past that had a “fire doen then up after a very short period of time” action. 118 in 2014 (although that was probally within the bumper zone). 1114 in 2019 with their climb.