Robot Falls From Pyramid

With the competition season now in session, who has had their robot fall off the pyramid while climbing? From the Palmetto webcast, it seems like the first qualification match already bore witness to a fall by Team 88 (as well as a 30 point hang by Team 836). If you’ve fallen, from what level, and how bad was the damage?

Wow you got on that fast. I was also watching that webcast.

My computer froze right before this happened D: I hope the robot is ok!

Ours fell once in our build space, from the second level. Fortunately, we were belaying it the entire way up and were able to catch it! The issue that caused the fall has since been corrected :slight_smile:

3196-Spork also went down in Palmetto.

Our robot fell in match 1 at Palmetto. When we saw we were scheduled for match 1 we knew we were going to get a FiRST first: climb or fall. Obviously “fall” was second choice.

No damage so we’ll try again next match.

Time to start collecting footage for the “Ultimate Descent - Falls of 2013” compilation! :smiley:

Looks like 1559 at FLR just fell from level 2 but looks fine

team 340 just took a slight tumble in match 20 of finger lakes regional.

Yup, slight tumble, no damage

It seems like 4451 just fell from the top of the pyramid (30 points) in the Semifinals of Palmetto while trying to dump their colored disks into the pyramid goal. Anyone know how bad the damage was?

Must not have been bad. They got right back in after a quick fix. Such a solid rookie!!!

Bomb Squad fell in Hub City, Semis Set 2 Match 1.
They fell from just over the first bar, tipped over and landed on their shooter.

A day before bag and tag our robot fell from a 3rd level climb, and surprisingly it was really resilient to the fall. Everything still worked and ran and we shot 18 autonomous points 5 minutes after. We had a belt break when we were trying to dump Frisbees in the pyramid goal, so we are pretty proud of our robot for making it through an 11 foot fall with negligible damage.

We fell from the first bar at Traverse City. No damage. No climb either…

1831 the screaming eagles fell from about the 2nd or 3rd bar earlier today I believe. I’m not honestly sure if they played in their next match or not.

so has anyone captured any of these scary moments on video and posted them yet?

There is this one, posted on the FTC Facebook Page: Redirecting...

That hurts to watch. :ahh:

We immediately went to the pits and assessed our problems. Lucky our back bumper took most of the impact, but it wasn’t a pretty sight to fall eight feet! There wasn’t any damage done, but Fat Rat was not pleased that we dropped him. We received tons of support from our own teammates in our finals Alliance (3490 and 1539) and also from the opposing Alliance of the match (11, 245 and 2187) who offered their Alliance time out and all the mechanical support they could provide if we needed it. So after the tweaks, we were able to successfully climb to hang for a 30 pointer in our second elimination match. We didn’t win but our robot is now at 100% and ready to go to the Orlando Regional.

Thank You for everyone’s concerns!!! And thank you to all the teams that reached out to us in our first FIRST competition as rookies today.