Robot From St. Louis

Has anyone received their robot back from St. Louis yet? We have not and are starting to get concerned… as we need it for an upcoming end of the year banquet.

In the past I believe it taken anywhere from 3-6 weeks to get robot back.

(We went to Houston.)

We had heard it could take as long as a month to get your robot back, but we got ours back about a week and a half after the competition. Keep in mind these are different companies handling the events. I know we watched our tracking number closely and had to schedule a delivery from FedEx.

Ours arrived this morning. We’re outside of Washington, DC.

Team 3467 got our robot back on Monday, May 8th and we are in southern NH for reference.

We are getting ours back tomorrow according to tracking.

When your mentor or adult filled out all the shipping forms with Sheppard, they gave a copy of everything to the adult. At the top of the fedex form should be your pro number which you can type into Fedex Tracking and see expected delivery.

The majority of New England teams came back at the same time (mostly because of the CT State Champs this weekend and because it makes sense to pack a few trucks all headed in the same direction). We all should be getting our crates back soon (ours also arrived on Monday).

We got ours back yesterday.

Ours arrived today.

We have our biggest fundraiser event on Thursday and cant believe our robot is actually getting delivered today here in Hawaii.
At St. Louis champs, they offered us expedited shipment option at no charge. Of course we took it and had to put a pink sticker on the front of the crate for Shepard and Fedex.

According to the 2017 [i]FIRST Championship A-Z Guide,

Due to the increased number of teams, *FIRST *Robotics Competition teams can expect to receive their robot/crate within 4 - 8 weeks after the *FIRST *Championship. Teams competing at off-season events in May and early June should consider transporting robot/crate home themselves.