We recently just switched from the JAG to the Victor for the drive motors. I have changed the code accordingly.
When we put the robot into teleoperated mode, the robot will move around and respond to all input given by the controller. When we center the joystick (let go) the motors stop, and the robot coasts to a stop (Which, at full/medium speed, can cover quite a distance). I also have a break button programmed to button one, and tried to use that to stop. When I press the button, the motor values are set to 0, the motors stop, but the robot will keep coasting.
Didn’t even notice that! The ones we’ve used in the past have been set to that without having to mess with it. This year the ones we got were set to coast.
Is it allowed to use a limit switch and servo to switch between the two? If not, is there a legal way to do so?
You can do the limit switch and servo trick to switch it. It’s legal, near as I can tell from R65 and R68.
I swear there was a way to do this with a digital IO, but I can’t find it at the moment and the Victor User Guide suggests using the limit switch+servo method. Following the manual’s recommendations might be the smarter move, even if it is a bit clunky.
I think we used to connect separate digital output signal lines to the break and to the coast to toggle between them, but I don’t know if the 888 has changed that or not.
Experimentation is required.