Robot Losing communication

My team is having problems with the robot loosing communication when connected through the wifi router. It runs fine when connect by USB. We have imaged the router and the roborio. We are using the stock project with no changes.

Has anyone else seen this problem. If so how did you fix it

With such a complicated control system, there is not one answer.

  • Go through all of your electrical and make sure it’s all tight (tug on the power wires).
  • Are your battery leads bolted down tight?
  • Are you using an Ethernet cable with good clips?
  • Try a different laptop, maybe your current laptop’s WiFi doesn’t play with with the WiFi on the robot?
  • Are you in a high interference area? Try running your robot somewhere else.

Describe in more detail what you mean by “loosing communication”.

thanks you very much for your fast responses. We just solved the issue. It seems like the computer we were using just need to be restarted and it worked fine. Not sure what went wrong but this seems to have fixed the problem

If you don’t know what went wrong, you really didn’t fix the problem. Just made it go away (for the time being).

that is a good point. We are going through test this afternoon to see if we can find the problem. I will let you guys know if i find it.

Other people on the forums have reported connection issues with an Autodesk updater running on their system. If you have Autodesk installed, you may want to look into that.

i just did some testing and it looks like that was the problem. When it was on i would lose packets every 10 seconds. When i turned it off the problem was fixed

Thanks for your help

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