Robot Scoring Ability and Videos

As we approach the last weeks of build season, teams are beginning to assemble and drive their robot. Videos of teams practicing and teasers of reveal videos are popping up on youtube already.

Last year, there were so many reveal videos and robot showcase threads that I couldn’t keep track of which ones I’d seen. Instead of having a million different threads, pictures, and videos scattered everywhere, I’m hoping that teams would be willing to post organized links to their robot information in this thread.

It would be nice for each post to identify the team number/name and provide a link to a picture, video, specification sheet, or team website, as well as some basic robot abilities- information like points per match, ability to do something unique, etc.

Any suggestions/comments for this idea are welcome. I realize this is a little early, but I’d rather put this up earlier rather than later.

I know this is a stretch, but what about an editable google doc link with a table where teams can put in their number in order and then links to threads, websites, youtube videos, Photo galleries and such?

Just a thought.


Here is a link to the form we came up with…Hopefully it will help?

This looks awesome- thanks for doing this! I’m guessing that all this information goes to some spreadsheet?

I didn’t set this up, but I think this is a link to the spreadsheet for this form.

Honestly I should ask the kids on our team who set this up. They play around with this stuff way more than I do.


Part of the reason people post reveal videos is to get comments from other teams. If all the reveal videos were posted in one thread it would be even harder to keep track of all the discussion. FRCDesigns normally puts together a very good playlist of all the reveal videos. Here is their 2014 one, it has about 200 videos, I wouldn’t want all those in one thread.

I agree. It is better to keep each reveal video to its own thread. The best thing people can do is to make their threads are in the right subforum. For example, it doesn’t really make sense that this thread is in the Rules/Strategy subforum.