Is there a specified position for the light
Certain height?
Does it just need to be visible?
where does it go?
Is there a specified position for the light
Certain height?
Does it just need to be visible?
where does it go?
the light has to be on the front and visible from 3 feet in front of the robot, it does not matter if the light is visible on other sides of the robot
good luck
There are schematics in the manual. They all should be above the top ring maybe about 110 inches or so
which pwm port does it connect to?
According to the diagram, the light is supposed to plug into any of the 4 team color ports on the microprocessor.
The light connects to the solid state relay. The solid state relay connects to the first three pins on a Team Color port.
I followed the schematics and my team ligth doesn’t work !
Help me please:confused:
Ours doesnt work either when we plug it in. The signal light works when connected directly, however, when plugged in with the solid state relay, no light appears!
anyone else have this problem?
Our part no. is 700-SKOZ2Z25. Is it supposed to be something else?:yikes:
It’s supposed to be 700-SKOC2Z25. Search the forums for either part number to find a discussion of the problem. It was addressed in one of the Team Updates. The short answer is that you need to get a replacement. It’s a bit late to do so before shipping the robot, so you should probably try to arrange with FIRST in advance to get one at your first competition.
You are the man! Thank you. We will try it. Two of our Hawaii teams have this problem and not our 3rd team who is a rookie.
Thank god our new radios work.
what part no.?
where is the part number and what is it on?
The Kit of Parts checklist has a picture of the relay, the relay base, and lists the part numbers